Barbara Stevens Barbara Stevens

August 2nd for the week of August 4-10

Remember in Prayer

In need of comfort, ill or recovering from surgery:

Dan J Hip Replacement Recovery

Kalub L Recent Hospitalization

Elliot (Norberg) 2 week old - breathing issues

Dave I Health Concerns

Carrie A Health Concerns—Pain

Dale W Health Concerns

Shirley J Health Concerns

Judy W Cancer Treatments

Laurie D Relief from pain from CRPS

Trelani P Health concerns

Carol P Hospice Care

Small group dinners

We have 3 host homes this time around. The Neon Sign-up sheets are in the Narthex. Now, it’s your turn to select where you would like to go!

Book Club

We met on July 3 to discuss “The Good Rain.” The next book to read is “Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine,” by Gail Honeyman. Please join us. We will meet again on Wednesday August 7.

Church Hike

Would you like to join us for a church backpacking trip to the coast? We will be leaving Wednesday August 28 and returning home Friday August 30. It is a super easy hike (only two miles in) where we will be camping right on the beach! Please see Steve Geringer if you would like to join us (we need permits for each person).

Bell Chime Choir

We have access to three octaves of bell chimes. Are you interested in playing in a chime choir? Perhaps we could work something up for Christmas? All you need to do is read music and have working arms! Please talk to Pastor Peter or Kim Brumbaugh if you are interested.

There will be an information seeking meeting after worship on Sunday August 18.

New Directories

The August 2024 edition of the Immanuel Church Directory is printed!

You will find your copy in your cubbie in the Narthex.

Don’t know where your cubbie is? Ask someone.

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Barbara Stevens Barbara Stevens

TGIF July 26th for the week of July 28-Aug 3

Remember In Prayer

In need of comfort, ill, or recovering from surgery:

Dan J Hip Replacement 7/31

Kalub L Recent Hospitalization

Elliot (Norberg) 2 week old - breathing issues

Pearson Family Loss of John

Gary S Fell/disorientation

Dave I Health Concerns

Carrie A Health Concerns—Pain

Dale W Health Concerns

Shirley J Health Concerns

Judy W Cancer Treatments

Laurie D Relief from pain from CRPS

Trelani P Health concerns

Carol P Hospice Care


Small group dinners

We will have 3 host sites this time around. Please watch for sign up sheets in the next week or so to see where you would like to go!

Book Club

We met on July 3 to discuss “The Good Rain.” The next book to read is “Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine,” by Gail Honeyman. Please join us.
We will meet again on Wednesday August 7.

Bell Chime Choir

We have access to three octaves of bell chimes. Are you interested in playing in a chime choir? Perhaps we could work something up for Christmas? All you need to do is read music and have working arms! Please talk to Pastor Peter or Kim Brumbaugh if you are interested.

Church Hike

Would you like to join us for a church backpacking trip to the coast? We will be leaving Wednesday August 28 and returning home Friday August 30. It is a super easy hike (only two miles in) where we will be camping right on the beach! Please see Steve Geringer if you would like to join us (we need permits for each person).

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Barbara Stevens Barbara Stevens

July 19th TGIF week of July 21-27

Remember in Prayer

Kalub L Recent Hospitalization

Elliot (Norberg) 2 week old - breathing issues

Pearson Family Loss of John

Gary S Fell/disorientation

Dave I Health Concerns

Carrie A Health Concerns—Pain

Small group dinners

We are hoping to initiate another round of Small Group dinners this summer. If you are willing to host a dinner please sign up on the clip board in the Narthex. You will choose the date and time. We will then put out sign up sheets for each group.

Book Club

We met on July 3 to discuss “The Good Rain.” The next book to read is “Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine,” by Gail Honeyman. Please join us.

We will meet again on Wednesday August 7.

Dave I Health Concerns

Carrie A Health Concerns—Pain

Dale W Health Concerns

Shirley J Health Concerns

Judy W Cancer Treatments

Laurie D Relief from pain from CRPS

Trelani P Health concerns

Carol P Hospice Care

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Barbara Stevens Barbara Stevens

July 12th for the week of July 14-20

Remember in Prayer

In need of comfort, ill, or recovering from surgery:

Pearson Family Loss of John

Sonya M (Jenson) Healing & Recovery Surgery

Judy P Loss of Brother Dave

Gary S Fell/disorientation

Peter S (Phillips) Recovery Heart Attack

Dave I Health Concerns

Carrie A Health Concerns—Pain

Dale W Health Concerns

Shirley J Health Concerns

Judy W Cancer Treatments

Laurie D Relief from pain from CRPS

Trelani P Health concerns

Carol P Hospice Care


Catechism Class with Pastor- Pastor Peter will be leading 1 more classes after church on July 21 on Luther’s Small Catechism. All are welcome to attend.

Church Hike

Would you like to join us for a church backpacking trip to the coast? We will be leaving Wednesday August 28 and returning home Friday August 30. It is a super easy hike (only two miles in) where we will be camping right on the beach! Please see Steve Geringer if you would like to join us (we need permits for each person).

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Amanda Berg Amanda Berg

July 5, 2024 TGIF Week of July 7-13

It all begins with an idea.

Remember in Prayer

In need of comfort, ill, or recovering from surgery:

Carrie A Health Concerns—Pain

Dale W Health Concerns

Shirley J Health Concerns

Judy W Cancer Treatments

Laurie D Relief from pain from CRPS

Trelani P Health concerns

Carol P Hospice Care

Pearson Family Loss of John

Sonya M (Jenson) Healing & Recovry Surgery

Judy P Loss of Brother Dave

Gary S Fell/disorientation

Peter S (Phillips) Recovery Heart Attack

Dave I Health Concerns

Carrie A Health Concerns—Pain

God is working at Immanuel

Catechism Class with Pastor- Pastor Peter will be leading 2 more classes after church

on July 7, & 21 on Luther’s Small Catechism. All are welcome to attend.

The time to plant is here! The “Bring and Take Table” will be set up here through the

summer for you to bring in anything that relates to the activity of gardening. Seeds,

pots, tools and those little pruned plants that are a shame to throw away are

welcome. Later, flowers and vegetables. There is no charge for anything that is taken.

We ask that you dust extra dirt off and label what you can. As the price of produce

continues to rise, this activity is very helpful to many people.

Pastor Peter’s 25th Anniversary of Ordingation – July 14, 2024

We will be celebrating Pastor Peter’s 25 years as a pastor on July 14, 2024 during the

worship service. After service, we will celebrate with a Pot-Luck meal. Every is asked

to bring a Main course AND either a salad, side dish or dessert. More details to follow

soon. (see the first page)

Small group dinners

We are hoping to initiate another round of Small Group dinners this summer. If you are

willing to host a dinner please sign up on the clip board in the Narthex. You will choose the

date and time. We will then put out sign up sheets for each group.

Book Club

We met on July 3 to discuss “The Good Rain.” The next book to read is “Eleanor Oliphant is

Completely Fine,” by Gail Honeyman. Please join us.

If you have a copy of “The Good Rain” it is a library book & part of a kit. Please return it to

Claudia or Dorathea ASAP so it can be returned to the library.


The STP riders will be her on Saturday July 13. If you have cots/mattress and/or

towels we can borrow, please bring them in by Wednesday.

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Amanda Berg Amanda Berg

June 28, 2024 TGIF Week of June 30-July 6

It all begins with an idea.

In Need of Prayer

Sonya M (Jenson) Healing & Recovry Surgery

Judy P Loss of Brother Dave

Gary S Fell/disorientation

Peter S (Phillips) Recovery Heart Attack

Dave I Health Concerns

Carrie A Health Concerns—Pain

Dale W Health Concerns

Shirley J Health Concerns

Judy W Cancer Treatments

Laurie D Relief from pain from CRPS

Trelani P Health concerns

Carol P Hospice Care


Catechism Class with Pastor- Pastor Peter will be leading 3 more classes after church

on June 30, July 7, & 21 on Luther’s Small Catechism. All are welcome to attend.

The time to plant is here! The “Bring and Take Table” will be set up here through the

summer for you to bring in anything that relates to the activity of gardening. Seeds,

pots, tools and those little pruned plants that are a shame to throw away are

welcome. Later, flowers and vegetables. There is no charge for anything that is taken.

We ask that you dust extra dirt off and label what you can. As the price of produce

continues to rise, this activity is very helpful to many people.

Pastor Peter’s 25th Anniversary of Ordingation – July 14, 2024

We will be celebrating Pastor Peter’s 25 years as a pastor on July 14, 2024 during the

worship service. After service, we will celebrate with a Pot-Luck meal. Every is asked

to bring a Main course AND either a salad, side dish or dessert. More details to follow

soon. (see the first page)

Vacation Bible School –

VBS was a HUGE success this year thanks to the MANY hands that worked so well

together! This year’s theme was “Under the Sea”. There was an average of 50

children each day plus the 10 older kid helpers! There were about 25 adults here

each day as well to direct the children from stop to stop, lead crafts, tell the stories,

lead games and teach some new songs! The energy was high every single day!

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