Reconciling in Christ
Welcoming All
Immanuel has always been welcoming, but to our LGBT siblings who have been made expressly un-welcome by the church, we owe it to clearly and unequivocally welcome into all aspects of the life and ministry at Immanuel.
Guiding Principles
One of Immanuel's guiding principle's is Welcoming All. We have learned those are easy words to say, but worth the hard work to explore the challenge of what they mean. What do you mean by "welcome"? What do you mean by "all"? Especially in regard to historically marginalized groups like the LGBT community? These questions led us to listen, study and discuss, resulting in an official Immanuel Welcome Statement that reads:
All are created in the image of God. Therefore, Immanuel Lutheran celebrates persons of all race, age, gender, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, gender identity, political affiliation, and faith journeys. We welcome everyone into full participation in every aspect of Immanuel's life and ministry. You are accepted and affirmed just as you are, with all your differences
and gifts.
For More Information:
Please Visit
Gay Church.org